NA 152 Multan-V
NA 152 is a constituency for the seat of Pakistan’s National Assembly from Multan District. Multan District is very important in Southern Punjab politics and there are total 6 National Assembly Seats of Multan. NA 152 is also known as NA-152 Multan-V and it is the fifth of total 6 seats from District Multan of Punjab Province.
The constituency is bastion of PPP. In 2002 General Elections, Syed Asad Murtaza Gillani of PPP won the seat. In 2008 General Elections, Liaquat Ali KHan of PPP won the seat. In 2013 General Elections, Javed Ali Shah of PML-N defeated PTI’s Ibraheem Khan. In this election PPP’s Syed Ahmad Mujtaba Gillani also lost and came on third position. In General Elections 2013, Pakistan People’s Party is wiped out from Southern Punjab and lost ground to Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf.
Election Year | Winner Name | Party |
2002 | Syed Asad Murtaza Gillani | PPP |
2008 | Liaquat Ali Khan | PPP |
2013 | Syed Javed Ali Shah | PML-N |
Major localities of this constituency are Khokhar, Khanpur, Sikandarabad, Mahiwala, Mochipura, Purana Bagh, Shujabad, Gardezpur, Jalal Shahwala, Traggar, Jangal Dhora Sial and Chak Gulzar.
NA 152 consists of;
- Shujabad Muncipal Committee.
- Qanungo Halqas of Shujabad Tehsil (Shujabad, Gajju Hata).
- Raja Ram Qanungo Halqa of Shujabad Tehsil excluding Patwar Circles of Basti Mitho Gharbi, Basti Mitho Sharqi, Kotli Najabatt, Mari Noon, Maqeem Pur, Matotli, Kaseerpur, Kileechpur, Nasirpur, 13F and Jhakkar.
- Qanungo Halqa of Multan City Tehsil
- Some Patwar Ciccles of Sheh Shah Qanungo Halqa
Population facts of NA-152 Multan
- Population-499046
- Male -146441
- Female-132909
- Total-279350

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