NA 57 Attock-I / NA-57 Pakistan
NA 57 is a constituency for the seat of Pakistan’s National Assembly from Attock District. Attock was formally known as “Campbellpur” and it is located in the northern border of Punjab Province. There are total 3 National Assembly seats from Attock District i.e. NA 57, NA 58 and NA 59. NA-57 is also known as NA-57 Attock-I and it is the first of total 3 constituencies of Attock for National Assembly of Pakistan.
NA 57 Attock-I Localities/Areas
- Attock Fort
- Waisa
- Shadi Khan
- Hazro
- Ghur Ghushti
- Jalalia
- Kamra Cantt
- Attock City
- Sohanda Bata
- Barotha
This constituency includes Attock Tehsil excluding following areas;
- Sanjwal Cantt
- Burhan Golra QH

Population Statistics of NA 57 Attock
- Population-500770
- Male -132769
- Female-106175
- Total-238944
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