Today if we talk about the most saturated and overpopulated profession in the Pakistan, the law profession is on the top of the list. There are approximately 1.5 lack registered lawyers in the country and the numbers are increasing with fast pace as hundreds more injected every year in to the field.
Main reason of this phenomenal growth in this field is the fact that it is very easy to obtain law degree. One can become law graduate without attending regular classes and doing hard work. The private colleges are mainly responsible for this unprofessional and harmful approach. There are many ghost colleges who existed only on paper without faculty and proper arrangements for regular classes. Their main motive is to sell law degree to the students without providing them necessary skills knowledge of this profession. It is very easy to get admission in these colleges as there is no merit or any other requirement other then their fee. People who failed to get admission anywhere after their graduation gets admission in these colleges as last resort. There is a famous phrase the person who fails to become anything become lawyer.
There are many harmful consequences of this phenomenon especially for profession itself. Due to huge numbers of lawyers there is tough competition between lawyers. Now a person can arrange a lawyer with very low fee and it ultimately reduced the earning capacity of all lawyers. In western countries the law profession is among the most highly paid profession due to high merit and tough rules and regulation for the entrance in this profession.
Another disadvantage is for the general public. There is no competency in law profession in Pakistan as very few lawyers have well acquaintance with law. People engage lawyers who charge low fees but in return they provide their semi-professional services to their clients which ultimately damage their interest.
Once, this noble profession is considered as profession of gentlemen. But due this rapid growth today there are many people in this profession which criminal backgrounds and uncivilized manners.
Apart from above discussed disadvantages these are many other harmful consequences of this unchecked growth in the law profession.
Now there is time to adopt drastic manners to improve the condition of this profession. Government as well as different bodies of lawyer can play vital role in this respect. Followings are some suggestions to improve the situation.
1) There should be proper check and balance on the private law colleges. There is need to develop proper mechanism to check weather a private college is really providing knowledge and skills or just generating money for themselves. If this is not possible then all the private colleges should be abolished and only recognized universities are given responsibilities for the generation of law graduates.
2) There is need to rearrange and change the current examination system. Currently the checking criterion is not up to the mark and annual system is also not producing fruitful results.
3) The numbers of seats in recognized universities should be reduced and merit should be increased so that only competent and able students can get admissions.
4) The entrance test taken by Punjab Bar Council for the issuance of licenses of advocacy is formality. This test should be taken in its true shift.
In conclusion we can say that this profession of law is very noble and respectable. Don’t forget that the founder of nation MUHAMMAD ALI JINNAH was also a professional lawyer but present dismal condition is due to bad planning and management of last few decades.
There is no fact our industry our commerce, business is suffering hardships due to gas,power… shortage and rising interest rate so thousands of the worker are jobless..political system,parliament,election comission is last refuge of bogus degree holders,most wanted criminals,plot grabbers and land mafia.our rulers are toll of IMF,WORLD BANK..they are following the dictate of USA and EU. foreign policy and our policy making is not in our hands..WE HAVE NO LEADER SHIP..politics is business of making billions of dollars..pakistan is home of most talented is the field of law..where only hardworking,daring,honest,men of learning,men of comitment with devotion and dedication can survive..people without vision,charater and education join politics due to lust for power,money,wine and women..making rest of the nation suffering. Lawyers of developed nations are earning more because majority of there law makers are lawyers.they are involve in arguing and negotiating the cause of the nation..making policies in the interest of common man..making country more stronger.. Other nations know that pak lawyers work for national cause..proof is recent lawyer movement..,bureaucracy and mullahs dislike this community..They are ruling the can they do some favour to is in the interest of the ruling class to keep them poor..they can not colleges..Bar at law courses..LLM clases.PHD in law clases and colleges of trial make them well groomed, highly specialists and sophisticated..
The poor,victims of brain less state policies, cannot pay the high fees of lawyers..