Warda Shuja
Warda Shuja is talented female newscaster who works for PTV World News. She has beautiful voice and charming personality which makes her a complete news anchor. Warda is married woman with two cute kids.
Her in this post we have selected some latest pictures of Warda Shuja.
Warda Shuja Wallpapers
In the photo galley given below you can find some unique and high quality wallpapers of Warda Shuja.
you are beautiful news caster in the pakistan
Hiii how r u girls i m a boy koii girls h Jo dosty krna chahtii ho contact 03437745735&03110300213 on h sirf girls SMS ya cll meeee OK i wai8 u
Sadia Afzaal and Warda Shuja are best PTV NEWS Caster.